What sleeps next to you at night? If you’re like 71% of the population, the answer is your phone. So, it only makes sense that 40% of people check their phone in the middle of the night. A habit which certainly doesn’t lead to better sleep, considering that a phone screen’s blue light suppresses the brain’s secretion of melatonin.

The scary reality is smartphone use can become an addiction and where we find ourselves is a world where smartphones exist as a public health crisis. Looking for proof? Consider these unsettling facts:

  • Smartphone use and depression are correlated.
  • 45% of people in the United States would rather give up sex for one year than give up their phone.
  • Teenagers who spend 5 hours a day on electronic devices are 71% more likely to have suicide risk factors than those with 1-hour use.
  • Teens with smartphone addictions are more likely to drink alcohol, use tobacco, and have poor diets.
  • More people have smartphones than toilets worldwide.
  • 20% of people between ages 18 and 34 have used their smartphones during sex. 

The campaign

Recognizing the serious mental health risk posed by excessive smartphone use, Halcyon launched a campaign to raise awareness about the consequences of smartphone addiction. The goal: to get people to reconsider their own habits when it comes to smartphone use and, simply put, unplug.

We put together a 10-question quiz with the intent of informing people of the facts and prompting them to reassess their phone-routine. We put the quiz in front of people from Spain, Portugal, Poland, Ireland, Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy and New Zealand, obtaining 241 responses.

The results

A success! The campaign succeeded in informing people about the risks of overusing your smartphone as well as encouraging them to decrease their smartphone dependence. The best part is that 96.95% of respondents who completed the quiz clicked on the post survey resource.

To sum it up:

  • 78.8% of people who took the quiz said they care more about the smartphone addiction problem after what they learned.
  • 77.6% of people who took the quiz said they’d be more inclined to change the way they live to address the smartphone addiction problem.
  • $0.56 was the cost per resource link click.

What you can do

If you want to learn more and help reduce smartphone addiction, just follow these simple steps:

  • Take a look at our quiz!
  • At the end of the quiz, click on the resource and get some easy tips on how you can promote the digital well-being of yourself and those around you.
  • Share! Tell your friends what you’ve learned, send them the quiz and help increase awareness about smartphone addiction.
  • Donate! When you donate to The Halcyon Movement, you help us continue to bring awareness to major social dilemmas like smartphone addiction with the hope of inspiring change.

 Click here to donate.

Everyone knows that generosity is good for those who receive, but maybe not everyone knows how good generosity is for those who give: not just in terms of warm-fuzzy feelings, but in terms of physical health.

Here are some statistics showing a clear correlation between generosity and good health:

  • People who regularly give their time or money to causes are up to 63% more likely not to suffer from insomnia or sleep apnea.
  • People who are regularly generous also have elevated antibody levels and are therefore more capable of resisting disease and infection.
  • Elderly people who volunteered regularly were 44% less likely to die over a five-year period than their non-volunteering friends. 
  • Volunteering later in life can also reduce older adults’ risk of developing dementia.
  • States with the highest rates of volunteerism also had the lowest rates of heart disease.

The benefits of generosity to your health have a lot to do with your body’s chemicals. Acts of generosity release feel-good chemicals (serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin are a few) that ultimately fight against the symptoms of depression and anxiety. And, people who are generous have measurably reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol compared to those who are not.

Not to mention, generosity is contagious. Those who receive another person’s generosity are more inclined to be generous to others.

And you don’t have to have a lot of money to be generous. Giving your time and effort is just as valuable, and rewarding.

How do you change your life to be more generous?

Halcyon is launching a generosity campaign to address this very question, so as to help more people reap the benefits generosity offers to their health.

Watch our social media channels for the launch of the campaign and keep a sharp eye on your inbox for news if you have subscribed to our email list.

You might know that smartphone use and depression are correlated, but maybe you don’t know some of these other startling facts.

  • 71% of people sleep with or next to their mobile phone.
  • 45% of people in the United States would rather give up sex for one year than their phones.
  • More people have smartphones than toilets worldwide.
  • Teenagers who spend 5 hours a day on electronic devices are 71% more likely to have suicide risk factors than those with one-hour use. 

Now, what does this all mean? It means that if 71% of people sleep with or next to their phone, it makes sense that 40% of people check their phones in the middle of the night. It means that if 45% of people in the U.S. would rather give up sex than their phones, it makes sense that 20% of people between ages 18 and 34 have used their phone during sex. Our phones are becoming the most important things in our lives–and we’re letting them.

Halcyon is launching a campaign to address the smartphone addiction problem, to help people change the way they live and reset their priorities when it comes to smartphone use.

While smartphone addiction affects all ages, it is especially prevalent and problematic among teenagers. Teens with a smartphone addiction are more likely to drink alcohol, use tobacco, and have poor diets. Not to mention, commit suicide.

How can you make a difference?

Watch our social media channels for the launch of the campaign and keep a sharp eye on your inbox for news if you have subscribed to our email list.