Ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day? Well, the U.S. average for time spent on social media per day is 2 hours and 6 minutes.

So, when you think about it, there’s actually 2 hours and 6 minutes a day that a lot of us are wasting, while in the same breath we complain there isn’t enough time to do the things we want to do.  

Want to stop wasting so much time scrolling through social media? If you need ideas, here’s 5 better ways to spend your time.

Take a walk outside

When you take a walk outside, not only are you moving your body, which is good for your body, you’re absorbing Vitamin D—which is good for your body, too!

Connecting with nature has been shown to support cognitive function, productivity, physical health, and psychological well-being. Keeping physically active is proven to improve mental well-being as well. So, what could be better than doing both at once?

When you consider that physical activity and spending time outdoors both improve mental well-being, while social media has been shown to hurt it, the choice is clear!

Organize something

All of us have at least one thing in our homes that could use reorganizing. Plus, it’s proven that clutter can contribute to feelings of stress and depression.

Apart from ridding your space of clutter, organizing can also generate a feeling of accomplishment. When you’re finished with an organization project, you’re able to see a space that’s been totally transformed thanks to your hard work! 

The best part about organizing something is not only do you make your life easier when you do (it’s a lot harder to lose things when everything has its place!), but organizing your physical surroundings helps promote clarity and focus.

Watch a TED Talk or documentary

When you scroll mindlessly through Instagram or another social platform, you’re not very likely to learn anything. But, if you watch a TED Talk or a documentary, you’re sure to learn something new. 

Plus, you can do this from the comfort of your couch or bed, so it’s perfect if you’ve had a long day at work!

Choose 5 pieces of clothing to donate

On average, Americans didn’t wear 82% of their wardrobe last year. That’s a lot of clothes! 

Instead of opening Twitter, choose 5 clothing items out of your closet to donate and bring them to a local textile recycling bin. Rather than bringing your old clothes to a thrift store, textile recycling bins actually provide the most environmentally friendly and sustainable outlet to get rid of your unwanted clothing. 

Not sure where one is near you? Don’t worry, the answer is just a Google search away!

Go to bed early

Sleep plays a crucial role in keeping you mentally and physically healthy. And yet, 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. don’t get enough of it. 

So, next time you reach for your phone right before bed, turn off the light and catch some extra Zs instead. We promise you’ll thank yourself for it in the morning!

Want more ideas?

Looking for other ways to spend your time doing something other than scrolling social media? We’ve got you covered. Check out this great article!

“Be yourself!” As it turns out, this childhood adage is a lot easier said than done.

One obstacle to being fully and confidently ourselves is comparison. Money, career, looks, education, and popularity—these are just some of the categories in which we’re likely to compare ourselves to others. 

Here are five simple ways to avoid falling down the comparison rabbit hole.

1. Accept where you are and go from there

Comparison can stem from dissatisfaction with where you are in life. But, comparison also does nothing to solve that dissatisfaction. Instead, it fans the flame.

Having trouble accepting where you are in life? Consider this: it’s easier to accept where you are on your life path once you’ve acknowledged not only where you want that path to take you but your capability to make it happen. 

Think about it, if you know where you’re going, you’ll be more likely to get there. Set a goal, assess the practical steps necessary to achieving that goal, and get started! 

Remember, admiring someone for what they have accomplished is not the same thing as comparing yourself. It isn’t a competition! Try not to stack your accomplishments up against someone else’s and judge yourself for it. Instead, learn what it took for that person to accomplish what it is you’re wanting to accomplish, then set your mind to leveling up the needed skills to achieve it for yourself.

Redirecting your attention away from comparisons and toward self-improvement can help you get where you want to be.

If you’re not happy with how your life looks right now, redirecting your attention away from comparisons and toward self-improvement can help you get where you want to be. And the sooner you recognize this, the sooner where you are in life will start to change!

2. Do a social media detox

When you compare yourself to someone on social media, you’re comparing your real life with someone’s carefully curated ideal life. 

Typically, anyone’s social media shows you the “highlights” of that person’s life and is unlikely to feature any struggles or feelings of inadequacy that person has. So, don’t compare the actual reality of your life to the cherry-picked reality of someone else’s. All this will get you is a boatload of self-doubt and frustration. 

If you notice social media giving you anxiety in this way, log off and take a break for a few days and consider reading a book or drama that tells a more honest story of life

3. Take time for gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a way to appreciate what you have instead of always reaching for something new in the hopes it will make you happier or more satisfied with life. 

In fact, gratitude is proven to benefit mental health and improve happiness. 

So, take a little time each day and think about what you’re grateful for; slowly but surely, this will help you feel more positive about your life and make it less appealing to compare it to someone else’s.

4. Transform comparison into inspiration

Let whoever you’re comparing yourself to be a source of inspiration for what you can be, do and have in life. 

Think: what do you want and how can you get it? If you’re jealous of your neighbor’s new car, consider a plan for how you can start saving money and maximize your earning potential. Wish you had a big group of friends like your brother does? Join a local kickball league! 

5. Look beyond the surface

When you compare yourself to others, what are you focusing on? Is it something superficial, like the number of followers you have on Instagram? Or is it something meaningful, like virtue?

Pretend your best friend is a saint. If you had a saint as a best friend, then your best friend’s joy, love, and peace would probably make you jealous. Especially on those days that you feel grumpy and fed up with the world! But, rather than getting caught up in jealousy and simply wishing you had a better attitude, consider where those virtues come from. Find what is motivating your best friend to be so full of joy, love, and peace and discover a way to tap into it.

You got this!

When left unchecked, comparison can take away valuable time and energy—not to mention joy!

We hope these five tips can help you start to focus more on you and less on comparing yourself to other people. When you water and nurture your own grass, there’s no point to worrying if the grass is greener on the other side.

The word FOMO made the official cut for the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013, but the feeling’s been around a lot longer: “fear of missing out” is an anxiety so common, it got its own acronym.

FOMO can affect all people of all ages, but you could say it’s especially common among young adults. In fact, nearly three quarters of young adults report having experienced it. 

The side effects? Checking your phone and social media to follow what’s going on, over and over and over again. When we think we’re missing out, we use technology like a window to keep tabs on events or people.

Maybe this helps us feel involved in whatever experience it is we’re missing, but probably not. More than likely, it just creates anxiety and resentment.

FOMO can come from discontent

It’s one thing to “miss out,” it’s another to fear missing out. The reality is we can’t be everywhere all the time, and so that means we naturally have to miss out on some experiences. Whether or not we can content ourselves with that is where FOMO comes in.

People who see the majority of their activities as obligations, such as studying or working, are more likely to experience a higher level of FOMO.

The sad thing is that FOMO is more likely to be experienced by those who feel unhappy. People with lower levels of general mood and life satisfaction tend toward higher levels of FOMO. 

Think about it: if you’re unhappy, you’re probably thinking other people are happier than you. And you’re probably thinking they’re having more fun. This creates the anxiety that you are missing out on these feelings of fun and happiness which you perceive other people having.

That said, FOMO is felt by everyone at some point or another, regardless of temperament. 

People who see the majority of their activities as obligations, such as studying or working, are more likely to experience a higher level of FOMO. Why? Well, because when the activity causing you to “miss out” isn’t fun or interesting, you’re prone to assume the activity you’re missing out on is fun or interesting. 

Along that line, you’re more likely to feel FOMO later in the day or over the weekend when people typically engage in fun activities and socializing. 

Stay off the socials

Ironically, just as social media is an effect of FOMO, it’s a cause of FOMO. When you’re experiencing FOMO, you scratch the itch by checking social media to see what you’re missing out on. When you do that, you see what you’re missing out on, and this only creates more FOMO.

Wonder where social media addiction comes from? Well, one answer is FOMO. 

Happiness research shows that comparing yourself and your life to others can lead to anxiety, unhappiness, and depression. Yet, that’s the very behavior social media encourages, by giving people a platform to put themselves and their lives on a cherry-picked display.

So, if you want to stop feeling like you’re missing out and feel at least a little happier with your own life, start by logging off social media. Or, deleting it altogether!

Pause and reflect

When we feel FOMO, we’re focusing on what other people are doing instead of what we are doing. In keeping our eyes peeled on other people’s lives, we deprive our own lives of our full attention.

This is not the way to live!

Think about the things in your life that you’re thankful for and that make you happy.

So, maybe you are a little sad to be missing that party, but instead of allowing yourself to get caught up in an experience you’re not having, try to focus on all the things you do have.

Think about the things in your life that you’re thankful for and that make you happy. Just think of all the wonderful things in your life you could be missing out on if you were in someone else’s shoes!